City of Upland
The City of Upland wanted to repurpose existing parking stalls to establish four parklets along North 2nd Avenue and 9th Street, coinciding with existing mid-block pedestrian crossings. These parklets feature enhanced amenities, including additional seating benches, improved paving, and trash receptacles.
Key design elements for these parklets includes retaining existing street trees while introducing new landscaping and irrigation features. The project will necessitate the removal of eight parking stalls to accommodate the parklet spaces. Portions of existing walls were removed to ensure ADA accessibility to the centralized pedestrian mid-block crossings. New permanent metal bollards were installed at each crossing to prevent vehicle entry into the parklet areas. The project will also involved a review of ADA connectivity from parking/unloading zones to the public right-of-way.
To enhance the aesthetic appeal, new brick-veneered garden walls will be constructed to match the look and height of existing walls. The City pre-purchased benches and mailbox-type trash receptacles, which will be incorporated into each parklet. New decorative paving was installed at each location, with a unique artwork design etched into the concrete using sandblasting and subsequently painted and sealed. ADG utilized a single artwork design layout for all eight seating areas within the parklets. Finally, the project involved installing a new bike parking rack at the East Side Parklet, which the City has also pre-purchased.
Downtown Parklets
Upland, California